Saturday, December 20, 2008

December 20th...

Elliott is taking a nap. I shoudl be, but the energy I have today will not permit it. I think I have cleaned the kitchen 6 times now.. what else is there to clean in here?! I am about to climb up on a chair and wash the ceiling in the bathroom.. but I won't. I want to.. but I won't.

Finals were this week. Didn't even make it into math class for the test Friday. Thursday night was the biggest false labor alarm we have had.. just about everyone was ready to head out to the hospital... then, the contractions came to a dead stop. Well, not completely. Had a few good ones wake me up through the night. By morning, things seemed back to normal, but with the storm of doom on its way into town, I decided to lie low and chill at home. This 'false labor' stuff has been quite a ride. My darling doula says I am a rare exception that most women wish they were though... instead of hours of hard labor to get to were I am at (4cm, 80 % effaced - if not more after the other night).. I am doing it gently over a months time! :) It helps keep a positive perspective on the whole situation. At least maybe labor will be short?... Hopefully not too short though.. depending on the time it happens. Oh man.. just a few more days to weeks away... think days.. but, weeks is ok too. Its what it should be....

37.5 weeks

I can't believe Christmas is almost here! Elliott is getting the whole Santa thing this year. He is just as excited for daddys to get his presents under the tree as he is for his! Such a sweet guy.

Alright, its time I get off of this thing. See you sooner than later...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hair cut for X-mas

As heart breaking as it was to see my sons gorgeous locks drop to the floor, we decided to give him a haircut for X-mas. Well, it is really a kind-of X-mas gift for all the old folks in the! Anyways, he is still adorable as ever.. see:

Hahaha! Oh my boy.. waiting on some pics from aunt Lisa of Elliott and Mason and Charlie together. What a bunch of handsome kids we have.
Well, just a week left of school. I have absolutely no motivation to finish up my finals, but, I guess I have to. There are more importnat thing I would rather do, like, ..sleep, fold baby clothes, refold baby!
Nice big storm we are having outside. Got a ton of snow yesterday too. Dad left just in time. He came out for the week.. (((SO nice to see you dad!!!!))) I told him its kind of pointless to leave since he will just have to turn right back around once he gets there so he can come see Samuel... :)
Ok. Time to work on finals I guess.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

new car and false labor...

This is not going to be the most exciting post, but i figure i havent updated for awhile and should...

Well, I have 1 month left til Sammy makes his big arrival... I have been dealing with false labor for almost 3 weeks now.. not very fun. But, it is slowly geting things moving along and preparing my body and mind, so... I thought he was coming last Tuesday, but, it was just a teaser. A VERY uncomfortable one. I am glad he is still inside, cookin away to be a healthy guy. I have more hypnobirth practice ahead, plus school in still in session for another week.

Well, the POS Mitsubishi finally had its last run.. so we got ourselves a 'new' car. 06 Nissan Sentra (what else would we get, right?). Awesome little car. I would include pics, but, unless I HAVE to, I dont go up and down those stairs anymore. Even getting up off a chair throws me into a bout of contractions.

I started seeing a chiropractor, and wow has that made a difference in my confort. Sammy has more room to move around and he dropped signifigantly after my last visit. Midwife says she doesnt think I will make it to term, but, we will see. It took hell to get this little boy, I can only imagine it will be just as rough getting him out. Have another appointment tomorrow to see how things have progressed. I am nervous, and anxious, and excited... natural birth.. the birth of my new son.. OMG! SO much to be overwhelmed with.. in a good good way.

Beaner is holding on by a thin string. We have exhausted every resource to 'fix' her, though there really is no fixing her problem, just trying to keep her comfortable, and we even lost that battle. So, it is up to her to let us know when she is done fighting. For now she still loves like crazy, eats like a pig, and has found her place in Elliotts room.

The tree is up, lights in the windows, and we got a nice snow yesterday. I might actually feel the Xmas spirit before it is all over. Dad is in town, so that makes me very happy!!

Ok, pictures next time... whenever that may be.

Oh, and Depeche Mode is working on a new album! AAAAHHHHHHHHH YEAH!!