Here is Elliott. Dressed as Link from the videogame Zelda. His costume could have been a lot cooler, but something told me not to try too hard. Good thing I listened.. You should have seen the fight just to get him to wear it. We eventually got him to go trick-or-treating with aunt Lisa, Aunt Sharon, Rick and the boys. I would have loved to go with, but walking tends to get my BH contractions going, which is accompanied by shooting pain and fire down my legs... so, I sat at g-mas and did my math homework. He went to one house, got some DOTS, then came back and told me he wanted to go home........ huh. Maybe next year.
Well, we FINALLY HAVE INSURANCE!! Yeah, talk about being excited!!!!! What a load of stress off! Of course, we are still planning a natural birth... I tell ya, its getting a bit scarier the closer we get. 9 more weeks.... Having a tough time finding time to practice my relaxation/ hypnobirth exercises. I have just about 1 week left of my online class, then I can start making time for myself! wow.. that will be an interesting thing. I really can't wait for this semester to end. December 19th... hurry and get here. And Samuel too... but not too soon. Elliot predicts Samule will be coming on the 24th of December, and that he will have brown hair/ eyes.. hmm, maybe one of our kids will look like a Cameron after all... :P
Well, I need to lie down.. somehow. Sitting for too long is getting to be a real pain.. literally. Well, so is everything. Ciao.